Suriya’s upcoming court drama Jai Bhim features him as an advocate with an ensemble cast of talents like Prakash Raj, Rao Ramesh, Guru Somasundaram, Rajisha Vijayan and Lijo Mol Jose, Manikandan, Jai Bhim has music by Sean Roldan and produced by Suriya and Jyotika under the banner of 2D Entertainment. The film is directed by Kootathil Oruvan fame Tha.Se. Gnanavel.
The film is based on senior advocate Chandru's legal battle seeking justice for an Irular tribe woman in 1993 based on true events. From the teaser and trailer, we get the feeling of an intense story that revolves around the lives of underprivileged people who live in a socially isolated world without even residential proof even after 50 years of independence and have suffered years of oppression. The Director The Se Gnanavel has been working on this script for a few years, done lots of research including meeting the Irular tribe for the development of script.
"When this story was narrated to me, it tugged at my heartstrings. The narrative of Jai Bhim represents extraordinary strength and, most importantly, the value of human rights" - Suriya said in a press statement.
Director Tha Se Gnanavel also said, “With Jai Bhim, it is my heartfelt wish to reach out to audiences and have them know how the sheer grit and determination of just one man can turn into a movement and how each small step can turn into a big leap.”
The expectations are high from the fans. Last year we saw Suriya's Soorarai Potru and this year we are getting Jai Bhim, we wish Suriya and the team another success this year.